
Basic Reconnaissance on TryHackMe: Part 1

The first stage of The Unified Kill Chain is reconnaissance. And reconnaissance begins with the wealth of information available through passive reconnaissance. Essentially, passive recon is researching about a target through public means. For a brief primer on this type of research, I took a TryHackMe room on it. This article follows the flow of my learnings through that room.

On the command line, there are a few essential utilities to reveal this data without the target necessarily knowing you’re researching about them. I find these command-line tools far more efficient than their Google-and-GUI counterparts.

CommandBrief usage
whoisFinds registration-information about a domain if the owner has not opted to conceal it
nslookupLookup DNS information about a domain
digLike nslookup but with more details

Because these commands did not come installed on my Raspberry Pi, I had to run sudo apt install dnsutils whois.

The whois command works like the first few search results for “WHOIS lookup”. It is useful for determining if a domain name with a common extension is registered and who the registrar is. Occasionally, someone registers a domain without private information protection, so it all appears in the lookup results.

The whois output for has a lot of personal information “redacted for privacy.”
The whois output for has a lot of personal information “redacted for privacy.”

Interestingly, certain TLDs like .ph don’t play well with whois. For some, the command will point you to where a WHOIS database is available, but it won’t query it for you.

Onto dig and nslookup! These commands tell you more about a website and its server through DNS records, although this information can also be hidden through proxies like Cloudflare.

Another useful tool for sniffing out public data on domains is Thankfully, although it is a GUI tool, it does’t fall into the category of slow-and-ad-ridden GUIs. DNSdumpster surprised me with how much about my personal website is visible to the world.

A section of the DNSdumpster lookup results for
A section of the DNSdumpster lookup results for

Messing around with these basic tools, I realized two things. First, as a researcher, there is a vast amount of low-hanging fruit publicly available, especially for poorly configured domains. Secondly, for me and the domains I manage, this is an equal danger. Nobody can track exactly who does passive reconnaissance on them. Hence, security through obscurity means nothing unless you know what attackers can silently and easily discover about you.

#TryHackMe #Networking