
How I (Painfully) Installed Windows 10 on VirtualBox

I had installed Ubuntu before. I had even installed MacOS. But I had no clue Windows 10 on VirtualBox would the nastiest to do. It took a lot of head-banging just to figure out what the problem was. For historical purposes, I’m leaving the first part of this article as I originally wrote it under “What I tried,” so that hopefully, someone out there with the same problem as myself will benefit from a walk-through of the thought process.

TL;DR - Hyper-V (WSL, Docker) and VirtualBox are enemies right now (and enemies of VirtualBox are my enemies). Disabling Hyper-V is the one tweak that will allow a Windows 10 guest to run. Then, the installation steps are straightforward:

  1. Download the official Windows 10 ISO image.
  2. While you wait, create a VM with the default settings and a little more RAM and CPU cores if you can afford it.
  3. Start the machine, and attach the Step 1 .iso file.
  4. Run Windows 10 setup and wait for installation to complete.

What I tried

Microsoft offers Windows 10 for download. On their main download page, they provide an executable which can create a configurable ISO image.

Step one: open VirtualBox and create a new machine.
Step one: open VirtualBox and create a new machine.

Obviously, when creating the VM, choose Windows 10 as the operating system. For RAM setup, 2048 MB seemed a little low, so I increased it to 4096 MB. I stuck with the defaults for the hard drive setup. As in my Installing Ubuntu 22.04 on VirtualBox walk-through, find the Storage menu under Settings, then choose a disk file for the disk marked “Empty”. Then, having attached the ISO created earlier to the newly-created machine, I booted it up.

The following screens for installation were straightforward to understand, so I’m not including them.

Then I stopped writing this thing. I had run into a brick wall.

The Problem

The VM refused to finish installation. It would be eternally stuck on the Windows loading screen, then hit a boot loop. This was frustrating considering I expected my host PC to perform better. Somewhere, I read that Windows installs frequently take several days, so I left the VM running, to no avail. I tried different ISOs, turning off audio, increasing CPU and RAM, using fixed allocated disks.

In desperation, I did something I would never attempt otherwise: I watched a YouTube tutorial to see what I was doing wrong and if the process was indeed this frustrating. I could tell nothing from it because the guy used cuts during the loading screens!

No tweak worked. Windows 10 simply refused to install. So I gave up.

A month later, while I was installing other VMs, I figured I should try installing Windows 10 again. I dug a little deeper into the issue and found that a specific line in the VirtualBox log indicated an issue with virtualization:

HMR3Init: Attempting fall back to NEM (Hyper-V is active)

What is VT-x? Alongside AMD-V, it is virtualization technology that a processor manufacturer (e.g. Intel or AMD) provides. Without it, VirtualBox has to fall back to a slower emulated mode. A quick way to tell if this is happening is to check the status bar of the machine when it is running for a turtle.

The turtle looks like this.
The turtle looks like this.

The Solution

Searching for the log message lead to a forum post that eliminated the turtle for me. But before you follow that link, it may important to understand a little more of the context for the problem and the caveats of the solution.

When another service is using it, VT-x becomes unavailable, hence the log message. In Windows 10 (my host OS), there is a technology called Hyper-V for virtualization which confusingly conflicts with VirtualBox. When it is running, it takes all the VT-x for itself, leaving VirtualBox in miserable turtle-land. There are ways to work around this conflict, but as of right now, they make VirtualBox slower. This is not ideal for my lab, where I will need my guest OSes functioning optimally. Thus, I disabled Hyper-V.

The steps to disable Hyper-V are straightforward. According to the guide linked above, a few services keep Hyper-V on persistently. I first had to check if DeviceGuard, CredentialGuard, and Windows Defender’s Core Isolation. For me, they weren’t, so that meant I wasn’t losing any security by continuing. That may or may not be the case for you.

Then, I went to Windows Features and disabled a few Hyper-V related things.

Notice how the Hyper-V option is unchecked. I also unchecked Virtual Machine Platform, Windows Hypervisor Platform, and Windows Subsystem for Linux
Notice how the Hyper-V option is unchecked. I also unchecked Virtual Machine Platform, Windows Hypervisor Platform, and Windows Subsystem for Linux

Unfortunately, this broke something that I have been using for quite some time: Windows Subsystem for Linux. For those who use Docker, it will no longer work as well, because both it and WSL require Hyper-V to function. For a final patch to allow you to live in both the world of Hyper-V and VirtualBox on the same machine, read on to the end.

Disabling Hyper-V in Windows settings is not sufficient, however. The last step to kill Hyper-V completely is to run the following in Command Prompt:

bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off

DISM /Online /Disable-Feature:Microsoft-Hyper-V

shutdown -s -t 2

When the computer shut off completely, I unplugged it for 20 seconds as the guide prescribed.

I also deleted the old OS, drives and all, and created a new one with the following settings, which I found to be optimal on my host machine after days of trial and error. Stars indicate non-default settings:

Base memory (RAM)4096 MB*
Processors (CPUs)2*
Video memory128 MB
Virtual disk size50 GB
Virtual disk typeDynamically allocated

Optional: dual-booting Hyper-V

By setting up a boot setting, you can run Hyper-V and VirtualBox on the same machine, just not simultaneously. I followed another helpful guide to set this up.

I ran identifier {current} in a Command Prompt, and as I had configured earlier, the line labeled hypervisorlaunchtype read “Off.”

Since I wanted this as my default, I made a copy of my current boot entry with bcdedit /copy {current} /d "W10 With Hypervisor". In the next step I set this newly copied boot mode to enable Hyper-V with bcdedit /set {identifier of new entry} hypervisorlaunchtype auto.

Now, whenever I boot, I get the option to boot up Windows 10 (which is my default, with no Hyper-V) or W10 With Hypervisor (which has Hyper-V enabled).

The Results

800x600 pixels of magnificence
800x600 pixels of magnificence

Windows 10 installed!

Evidently, in the lower right corner of the window, the turtle all but died. No shade against turtles—I think they’re generally awesome. Just not the VirtualBox one.

With Hyper-V off, setup happened much quicker (50x!) than before. And I had the satisfaction of resolving a month-long problem. This reminded me of the principle that problem-solving sometimes, counterintuitively, takes some time to distance you from the heat and mental ruts of the moment.

